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  5. Garden care
  6. How to create a scented garden

How to create a scented garden

If the scent and sight of single flower stems is enough to lift your mood, what effect will an entire scented garden have on you? We want to motivate you to plant your own fresh-smelling oasis. So, we have listed flowering plants and herbs which flower from spring until well into the winter for you and offer some tips on where to plant and planting in groups. We have just the right thing for every preference.

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The scent of your plants is really brought to the fore when you create separate scented corners in your garden. While the flowerbed is planted with sweet-smelling flowers and shrubs, herbs feel right at home on your balcony or terrace. We recommend that you keep a large enough distance between plants so that the scents do not mix. If you prefer more intense scents, you can also protect your scented plants from the wind with a hedge or walls. Planting scented flowers in hanging baskets next to seating areas is a great idea, as this allows them to exude their scent right under your nose. If you set up flower tubs or boxes on the outside of your windowsills, you can benefit from the aroma of the plants when you air your living space.

As everyone likes different scents, you should allow yourself to be guided by your senses when it comes to buying. The following scented plants impressed us:


Plant nameFlowering periodFlower colour


February until April

White, pink, blue

Sweet violet - 'Queen Charlotte'

March until April


Poet's narcissus

April until May


Candytuft - evergreen candytuft

April until May


Wild blue phlox - 'Clouds of Perfume'

April until June

Light blue

Dame's rocket

May until July


Damask rose

June until July

White, pink

Garden pink ('Albus')

June until July



July until September


Sweet pea

June until October

White, pink, red, violet

Marvel of Peru

June until October

White, yellow, pink, red


Plant nameFlowering periodFlower colour

Witch hazel - 'Aphrodite/Pallida'

January until March


Viburnum farreri

March until April and October until November


Bridal spray or garland spiraea

April until May

Common lilac

May until June

Violet, pink, white

Spanish jasmine or English dogwood

June until July

Summer lilac

July until October

Violet, pink, white

Wonderfully fragrant plants in detail

For your home and garden


For the summer and the winter


For balconies, terraces and beds


How to attract insects with your scented garden

A scented garden attracts bees, bumblebees and butterflies by offering our beneficial friends a diverse source of nutrition. Butterflies such as the peacock butterfly or the small tortoiseshell will love visiting your garden.

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